December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Birthdays: December 25, Martha House, Eddie Blackwell; December 26, Bruce Davis, Mary McCormick, Audra Holland; December 27, Jay George, Vickie Hampton, Tambra Pfeifer, Karen Casey; December 28, Linda Cook, Sally Irvin, Sarah Martin, John Doornbos, Jacob Showalter, Shianne Shelit; December 29, Hayley Higgins, Melanie Zeller; December 30, Velma Legleiter, Vicky Overley; December 31, Mary Higgins, Aaron Wiebe, Jaden Jacobs, Michael Karlin, Stephanie Greenway, Emma Showalter.

Anniversaries: December 26, Albert and Alouise Zordel; December 27, Tom and Nettie Chestnut; December 28, Bob and Margaret Fear, Carl and Brenda Rosenlund; December 30, Don and Melody Casey: December 31, Arky and Diane McNair.

This is a story that my mother, Virginia Lubbers Dennis, wrote about her earliest memories living on Hermes Avenue in Covington, Kentucky. At Christmas time, the Christmas tree was placed in a big bedroom in the front of the house that had a fireplace. The tree was decorated the night before Christmas just after dark, at first Mother, Mary and Dad, Ed Lubbers, did the decorating, while we children sat expectantly in another room as Santa Claus would come shortly after. The tree was lit with wax colored candles, these candles were held in place on the tree by metal candle holders. There was a great danger of fire from these candles and we were constantly cautioned to watch the burning candles closely. Santa Claus actually did appear on numerous times. We would hear the sleigh bells and the horses' hooves on the pavement, then a hearty laugh and a knock at the door. Santa would talk to each of us, then we had to say a prayer before he would give us our gifts. ( My late aunt, Dorothy Lubbers Ikenberry gave me all the glass ornaments that were used on the Christmas tree above described). The story was from around 1920. The family then moved to Gove County, Kansas.

Jan North hosted a Christmas Brunch at her home on Friday morning. Those attending were Elaine Littler, Twila Higgins, Arlene Gilbert, Pat Derr, Norma McNair, Jean Schutte, Carolyn Thompson and Sharon Irvin.

Item from the Hampton Book:

In December 1879: “In the Agricultural College in Manhattan, there are two hundred and twenty-three students, representing six different states and forty-three countries.”

In 1884:” Citizens in the neighborhood of the Fairview school house are preparing to have a Christmas tree.”

In 1891 - “The proceeds from the Christmas entertainment at the Cottonwood school house will go towards buying a new dictionary.”

In 1904 - “ Dear Santa Claus: Mamma wants you to bring her a set of knives and forks with bone handles. Go into the toy shop and pick something for me which you think would be best. Grace wants you to bring her a doll bed room set. Ralph Reed wants you to bring him a toy drum. Your little friend, Truie Neal.”

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers.

Ginger Evans said her news for this week was we had a dusting of snow early Thursday morning.

Norman Pfannenstiel recycles his RC News. He takes it to Ear Care in Hutchinson and gives it to Matt Barnett.

A memorial has been given to the McCracken Alumni in memory of Richard Gordon from Shirley Higgins.

Please take a minute and drive by the home of Harold & Janet Herdman. Their Christmas lights are ‘awesome’.

Walter Rogers donated a 1946 Norlin’s H.G.F. Store ad to the McCracken Jail Museum. Specials were Dreft soap 25c, mustard 10c, cheerioats pkg. 13c, Lee peanut butter 35c.

History Notes: 1964

Alexander, McCracken and LaCrosse high school boards met Monday and proceeded with plans to present a petition to the State Superintendent for unification of the three districts.

Members Ruby VanWinkle, Ruth Howell, Bessie North, Carrie North, Edna Cheney, Carrie Darkes, Cora Derr, Nellie Dutton, Lida Floyd, Grace Owen, Ruby Ryan, Anna Scheideman, Harriet Shiney, Inez Skinner, Anna Stephens, Johanna Wahl and Loretta Washaliski attended the New Era Club meeting in the McCracken Hotel for their Christmas meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Herrman announce the engagement of their daughter, Anna Mae, to Martin J. Kreutzer. Miss Herrman is a senior at the LaCrosse High School and Mr. Kreutzer is employed at Dechant Motors. An August wedding is planned.

Priscilla Jacobs and children and James and Emma Rixon were Sunday guests of Josie Rohrer.

Christmas dance, Friday, December 25 at the Silver Star in Schoenchen. Music by the Jolly Mixers.

Hattie Albright and Ann Foster were dinner guests of Blanche Swisher. Alexander senior, 5-11 center Lonnie Morgan, fired in 12 field goals and 16 free throws for 40 points leading the Alexander Whippets to an 88-62 win of Odin. Other players listed were Williams, Hansen, Seltmann, Stafford, Tryon and Wendler.

Franz Stangl arrived Saturday from St. John’s Military Academy in Salina to spend Christmas vacation with his grandparents, Fred and Ida Davidson.

Claude & Ruth Stephens, Inez Skinner and Beulah Ramsey were in Wakeeney Friday.

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